Friday, October 31, 2008

In Living Colure

This is one of my shortest poems but it is the most important in its message. I used the word"colure" as a play on words. The word "colure" is either of two great cirles of the celestial sphere intersecting each other at the poles, one passing through both equinoxes and the other through both solstices. In my life I have found that I have repeatedly done and acted the same way over and over expecting different result as if to follow a cirlce and expect to arrive at a different destination. This insanity comes with the first drink, thinking "this time" things will end up differently. Yes this "subtle insanity of circling" has been the most important thing I have had to learn.

Here is my poem:

Painting with colure's
of yesterday
a new picture it does not bring.

The subtle insanity
of circling
and expecting a different thing.

Copyright © 2008 Ronald J. Edwards

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Sometimes the answers to my problems meant me just stopping and becoming more aware of my surroundings. Simplicity is often the hiding place to my most complicated issues.

Here is my poem:


for answers,
more questions.

What is found
to be truth,
was hiding
out in the open.

Copyright © 2008 Ronald J. Edwards

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Hole Inside My Soul

I sat one day behind my computer just thinking of my life ,wondering if I could pin point the time period when my life turned. I realized I always felt different from others even as a child.
So as I began to write " A Hole in my Soul" what appeared before me was my entire life starting as child "who sat alone" up until now an adult who " lives inside his skin". The poem had a flow to it and I read and re-read it until it sounded more like a song. I added chorus lines and hope to put it to a melody one day.

Here is my poem:

A Hole Inside My Soul

While in school when I was young
I always sat alone.
There was that feel of being strange,
marched to a different tone.

My body was like all the rest
like those of friends and kin.
But way back then there was that rub,
no comfort in my skin.

No matter how much I’d yell
how loud that I would shout,
a hole inside my soul
let my spirit all leak out.

As I grew inside me felt
like chaos had run wild.
Emotions took me left then right
and never calm or mild.

Soon I found an emptiness
that grew and over took,
whatever tried to fill that void,
serene was soon forsook.

No matter how much I’d yell
how loud that I would shout,
a hole inside my soul
let my spirit all leak out.

As a man I heard it said
“a hole was in my soul”.
Just like the villain in a play
it had the leading role.

I tried and tried, day in and out,
to fill this void in me.
Discovering in liquid form
booze solved this trickery.

No matter how much I’d yell
how loud that I would shout,
a hole inside my soul
let my spirit all leak out.

It worked awhile, way back when
and soon I did realize,
it fueled the emptiness inside,
became anesthetized.

Spirit gone, I was bankrupt,
my mind was so unclear.
A spiritual awakening,
a cure to fix my fear.

No matter how much I’d yell
how loud that I would shout,
a hole inside my soul
let my spirit all leak out.

Today I try to fill that void
it’s one day at a time.
Using things like faith and hope,
support from my Divine.

My soul is now a place
for things kept close to me.
Acceptance and a willingness,
these things will set me free.

No longer in captivity
or just thinking why,
a child sitting by myself
assuming I was shy.

No matter how much I’d yell
how loud that I would shout,
a hole inside my soul
let my spirit all leak out.

I now know I’m not alone
not strange or most unique.
There are so many just like me
that have the same physique.

Baby steps, just twelve of them
I’ve done all in a row,
they filled that hole once in my soul
allowing me to grow.

No longer, I don’t have to yell,
no more a big whirlwind.
I’ve filled that hole found in my soul
I live inside my skin.

Copyright © 2007 Ronald J. Edwards

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Harbor of Resentment

In my life I have found that resentment is one of, if not the biggest, enemy of mine. I heard it said to be as if I were to drink posion and then wish for you to die. Resentment festers and eats away at my soul, destroying my peace of mind and eroding my spirtuality. In order to live a good life I have found I must forgive and move on.

Here is my poem:

Harbor of Resentment

From passing storm with trying times,
my vessel worn from smeared begrimes
I moored the boat far from my crimes
in the Harbor of Resentment

As Captain solely the choice I make,
poor judgments left in trailing wake.
This docking was a bad mistake
Soon lost was my contentment.

I walked my bridge to look about
Alone I stood without a scout
Void of echo when I did shout
No souls to hear my statement.

Slowly I turned around to see
a silhouette rising from the sea.
No longer was I to be free
in the Harbor of Resentment.

This phantom drifted ever near,
upon my deck it did appear.
It had black eyes with constant leer
Umbrage was its vestment.

No matter where I tried to hide
It over took like full moons tide
Fearing my boat to be shanghaied
The coming of my judgment.

I threw myself far overboard,
my very life was my reward
washed up on a distant shore
from the Harbor of Resentment.

Each and ever night that pass,
thinking of the ghouls trespass
ending deep in swamps morass
disgusted at my treatment

Should I return, try to retrieve
of what I lost on that cursed eve
forgetting of my souls reprieve
escaping without bailment

This travesty I must forgive
if happily I want to live.
So I move on and not captive
to the Harbor of Resentment.

Copyright © 2008 Ronald J. Edwards

Three Lock Box

There are always those secrets, those past actions, those events that are stored away, out of sight but not out of mind that haunt and linger. If not addressed they will not allow ones soul to rest even if they are carried to the grave. I have shared those secrets with another human being and my higher power. What a freeing of guilt. I am able to walk down the street with my head held high and able to look all those that cross my path straight in the eye.

Here is my poem:

Three Lock Box

Secrets you have hid,
of things that you once did,
beneath the heavy lid,
of your three lock box.

Deep within your mind,
always for you to find,
actions that were unkind,
all in your three lock box.

At night do they return,
causing your soul to churn,
from memories that burn,
stored in your three lock box.

No keys for they’re all broken,
like lies that you have spoken,
buried within your coffin,
inside your three lock box.

Copyright © 2008 Ronald J. Edwards