Monday, January 14, 2008

Poem Review: My Path

When I wrote this poem I had discovered that there was an easier and softer way than how I existed in life up until that point in time. For many, many years I could not understand why I was struggling in life and why I did what I did, day in day out. To have a fever knowing you have a cold is acceptable. But when you have a fever for no reason at all, well it becomes frustrating and quite annoying. I felt very much the same way with my choices and consequences that immediately followed. My frustration was severe about the repeated insane actions and expecting a different outcome. I made mention in my poem that there were times when life was good;

“i must admit there were times
that brought me to high places
accepting plaques name spelled in gold
many having smiles on their faces

This only made matters worse if you could believe that. My professional career was providing me with patents and notoriety from high ranking officials in the military and CEO’s from civilian companies I had worked for. Denial that a change was needed with these kind of far and few between results prevented me from accepting that:

a choice desperately had to be made

Divine intervention saved my life and turned my path I was on into another direction. It was then I realized that life was a journey not a destination. I also had to take responsibility for my actions and follow suggestions to allow better choices to be made. I try to do this in my life “one day at a time” and found happiness and fulfillment from the least and unlikely people places and things.

Here is my poem ...

My Path

I was told from the start a foot in front of the other,
not a clue how much I’d need to recover.

I walked every mile stumbling most of the way,
crawling when had to day after day.

The high road, the right exit, the warning signs, all easily missed.
To ask for directions things I just wouldn’t do,
cause when traveling suggestions were left off the list.

My path took me to places never I dreamed I would be,
places foreign and distant to me.

Back alleys and hallways, on my basement floor,
left bumped and bruised all over I could not get out the door.

These places that I hated were getting so old.
My wondering over whelmed me it started to unfold.

I must admit there were times
that brought me to high places.

Accepting plaques name spelled in gold,
many having smiles on their faces.

My path did not keep on the right track
for these things to happen that often.

Instead in my bedroom with a loaded shotgun
so close to visiting my coffin.

I came to a fork in the road I was on,
a choice desperately had to be made.

Continuing on down this road of self pity and shame
my soul was beginning to fade.

Twas then a light flickered it showed a new way
for me to change my intention.

It wasn’t from street lights or cars passing by,
it surely was divine intervention.

So I took a step slowly one in front of the other
as I did from the very start,

towards a flickering light brilliance now increasing,
this direction made sense in my heart.

I follow this path a course to where I don’t know
but I do so with all my conviction.

It's a journey this path that I travel today
I care not of its destination.

But I do now so care that at the end of this lane
I arrive happy, sober and sane.

Copyright © 2007 Ronald J. Edwards

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