Sunday, February 22, 2009

I'll be waiting

I have a built in forgetter. It's the part of my mind that says "All is good, all is fixed, I am cured".
For me I have to remember that just around the next corner, not far away at all, at an arms length, there it is waiting just for me.

Here is my poem:

I’ll be waiting

Why did you go?
Where have you gone?
We use to be so close.

Side by side,
we’d pass the days,
driving round the boroughs.

that was us,
together at each event.

Is there a bad taste
left in your mouth?
Did you leave me just for lent?

Doesn’t matter,
have your way,
I can be assuasive.

No grudge to hold,
you'll return,
can't always be evasive.

The day will come,
you’ll want me back,
the thought not much to think.

Come to me
down on your knees,
you’ll beg to take a drink.

A party yes,
a homecoming,
no guests, just you and me.

A cheap motel,
out in the woods,
behind a store or alley.

But till then
enjoy your time,
the image that you’re feigning.

Lurking in your memories,
its there
that I’ll be waiting.

Copyright © 2008 Ronald J. Edwards

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